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Monday, September 30, 2013

Consistency is the Key to Weight Loss

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Everyone does. After all, the sooner we can get to our end goal, the better.

What's the point of sitting at a weight in between when it might take months to get to where we ultimately want to go? After all, we want to look a certain way and be at a certain weight, so there's no point in putting it off.

This is where I see most people stumble when they're on a diet, and unfortunately many of them end up regressing as a result.

They say that habits are born after three weeks of the consistent doing of something. I completely agree with this assessment, as things that at one point felt like arduous tasks will suddenly feel natural after a few weeks' time.

When it comes to weight loss and dieting, there's no exception here. As long as you consistently eat good meals and exercise on a daily basis, you'll be pleased with the results that you see.

In fact, you can almost work the numbers out mathematically if you should feel so adventurous. When it comes down to it, what we burn versus what we consume ends up in weight gains or losses.

Since they say that around 3,500 calories are in one pound of body fat, you should know that burning 3,500 calories will lead to one pound of fat lost. This basically means that you can put yourself on a plan that brings you to the weight you're looking for over a period of time.

What's the key to this all? Well, it all has to do with being consistent. Every day without exercise or ones with bad meals will simply set you back.

It won't be fun, but you'll be in a much better place when all is said and done. Since your habit mode will kick in after a few weeks, you really won't mind it anyway.

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Best Weight Loss Diet Tips

In the United States alone, there are 210 million overweight people. This is a staggering number, as it makes up about 70% of the total population. The United States is home to the highest percentage of overweight people but the World's rate isn't much behind, at 60%.

With so many people being overweight, losing some of these extra pounds and getting in shape is more important than ever. Carrying extra weight puts added stress on the body and especially the joints and muscles. In addition to this stress, you are more susceptible to injury and illness as an overweight individual.

The good news is that it has never been easier to lose weight. The best weight loss diet is one that is catered to your likes and dislikes. This diet will help you lose weight at a pace you never thought possible.

Most people know they should eat healthy but it is definitely overlooked when it comes to losing weight. People head straight to the gym to work out and they expect the weight to fall off. In reality, your eating program is actually 4 times more important than exercising. Your diet takes care of 80% of your weight loss while exercise handles the other 20%.

The major change in your diet will be when and how much food you eat in a particular sitting. Eating three big meals a day puts added stress on the body and is just too much work for it to handle.

Eating 5 smaller meals throughout the day will help the body handle the digestion and allow you to burn the most calories possible. The more calories you burn, the more weight you will lose. The absolute best weight loss tip anyone can give you is to find a diet that works for you. It is the most important factor that will determine just how much weight you will lose.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Journal

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Best Weight Loss Plan - Be Fit and Lean Even If You Are Too Lazy to Work Out

If you are reading this article I am assuming this is your first, second attempt at weight loss, or as is more likely - your upteenth attempt? Bet you have heard all the - "You know it's down to you", "Only you can do it" phrases, probably a hundred times before. Well unfortunately or not, or however you want to see it - IT'S THE TRUTH!

But let's face it, ultimately we all want to put ourselves through as little change and adjustment as possible but still shift that weight. Well I am here to give you the good news it can be done! How about manipulating your bad habits and everyday chores and routines into gym-worthy results?

For instance - if you can't go without spending several hours in front of the TV set, why not make use of it then? Channel-surfing can become the ultimate hassle-free exercise! Also you won't be denied the right to gobble, but just gobble something just as tasty as those chips.

Hassle free exercise can also be implemented whilst doing the grocery shopping, the cleaning, whilst at your office desk, gardening, washing the dishes,cleaning the car, babysitting the kids, away on vacation, etc, etc.

OK I know you probably have heard this before, but lets have a reminder to the everlasting benefits of fitness.

Exercise makes you look and FEEL younger

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Healthy Weight Loss - How Can You Lose Weight the Healthy Way?

If you are interested in losing weight, then you have to understand that there is healthy weight loss and there is unhealthy weight loss. These are very different and there are products to help you with both sides of this coin. You must know the difference and know which products will help you and which ones will not. Here are some tips to help you with this issue.

First, when it comes to healthy ways to lose weight you will be losing fat not water. This is very important because your body can do without the fat and only needs so much to survive. However, when you lose too much of your water weight you are going to dehydrate easier and you will not have as much energy. This is part of what makes many people sluggish throughout the day.

Second, if you want to lose weight the unhealthy way instead of the healthy weight loss way, then you can just go pick up any of the many diet pills that are out there. Most of these pills are designed to help you cut a ton of weight very fast by either suppressing your appetite or helping you lose water weight. Both of these methods for weight loss are very unhealthy and are not recommended in any circumstance.

Last, the best and healthiest way to lose weight is to follow a good balanced diet and exercise program. This will teach your body how to lose weight instead of tricking it into thinking it does not need nutrition that it really does need. This is the best way to lose weight and it always will be. There will never be a magic pill for weight loss and you might as well get to work on that body before you gain any more weight.

For More Related Topics Blog: Easy And Fast Ways To Lose Weight

Saturday, September 28, 2013

3 of the Most Effective Weight Loss Diet Programs to Quickly Burn Fat & Keep the Weight Off

For many people losing weight is something they go through over and over again. It is not uncommon for people to turn to weight loss diet programs that help them lose weight in the beginning, but gain all the weight back later. Permanently losing weight is what most people are interested in because no one wants to lose weight and gain it all back.

Fortunately, there are some good weight loss diet programs that can help you lose weight permanently. One of these diet programs is known as the five factor diet plan. The five factor diet plan was designed by fitness trainer Harvey Pasternak in 2004.

The five factor diet is based on eating small but frequent meals. Each meal is made up of a clean protein, low-carbohydrates, adequate fiber, good fats, and a sugar free beverage.

With this diet plan you will need to exercise five times each week and eat five meals a day. This diet plan has proven to be highly effective and can definitely help you lose a lot of weight and keep it off.

A calorie restriction diet is considered to be one of the easiest to follow weight loss diet programs available. This diet program works by restricting calorie intake.

It focuses on counting your calories after every meal. It requires you to eat only vegetables, low calorie protein, and fruits. Other than that there are no other restrictions. This diet can be effective if followed correctly, however, some people may find it difficult and boring.

The cleansing diet is one of the weight loss diet programs that burns a lot of fat naturally in a short amount of time. The idea behind this diet is to clean your body of toxins and waste that will sabotage your weight loss goals.

It will also help put your metabolism in a fat burning state, which of course means more fat loss. This diet requires you to eat a lot of fruits, vegetables, and drink a lot of water. Some people may find this diet difficult to follow however.

These 3 weight loss diet programs can help you lose a lot of weight fast. More importantly, if you continue to follow them they will lead to long term weight loss, which is what everyone wants.

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Important Warning About Weight Loss Diets

As more and more people look for ways to shed some excess weight, the number of fad diets being offered continues to rise. But, have you noticed that even as more and more fad diets get introduced into the weight loss industry, they also start losing popularity one by one? In fact, the phenomenon of fad diets can be likened to fashion trends and pop songs. People rave about them for a time, but they are immediately discarded once something supposedly better is introduced.

The reason for this quick rise and fall in popularity may be the fact that none of these fad diets will actually help you in the long run. Yes, they can make you lose a significant amount of weight in a short span of time. But, more often than not, you will gain the weight back just as quickly. Furthermore, these fad diets often involve cutting out entire food groups from your diet, which can lead to significant nutritional deficiencies. This is definitely bad news for your health.

One such unhealthy choice that dieters make is cutting out carbohydrates from their food intake. Take note that carbohydrates are your body's main source of fuel for energy, so cutting it out completely from your diet is definitely counter-productive. Furthermore, depriving yourself of carbohydrates will only bring on cravings that may lead to snacking on the wrong kinds of food between meals.

Some people choose to cut out meat from their diet, thinking that this is the best and healthiest way to eliminate excess body fat. It may indeed be the fastest, but not quite the healthiest. This is because eliminating all types of meat from your diet could lead to a deficiency in essential vitamins and nutrients like Vitamin B12, iron, zinc and protein. It is more advisable to simply limit your intake of meat rather than completely cutting it out.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Diet Plan For Women

Friday, September 27, 2013

Healthy Weight Loss Plan

A healthy weight loss plan is comprised of adequate daily diet and regular physical exercise. When planning to lose weight, consider having a healthy weight loss plan. Never settle for a quick-fix weight loss solution since this do not equate to quality. A healthy weight loss plan provides long-lasting results, so you will be assured that you will maintain your weight in the long run.

Small changes

Make small changes when trying to lose weight. Imagine that one biscuit each week amounts to five pounds every year. Eliminate biscuit from your diet. This applies to other kinds of food rich in sugar and fat. At the end of the month, you will be several pounds lighter. But do not always deprive yourself of little joys. During special occasions, you may eat sweets or cakes. The key here is moderation.

Crash diets

You do not have to do crash diets just to lose weight. You will just end up physically weak and nutrient deficient. Quick fix weight loss solutions only have short term results. Weight loss can be abrupt, so you will only gain it shortly. Always follow a healthy weight loss plan. Take adequate amount of healthy foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Calorie intake

Your calorie intake every day should be between 300 and 500. At the end of the week, you will lose around two pounds. This is the average weight loss rate. If you continue maintaining a healthy eating habit and regular physical exercise, you can lose eight pounds every month.

Activity level

If you want to maintain your eating habits, you should increase your activity level. How about walking 30 minutes every day? Build a routine which involves physical activities. Before and after work, you may like to walk around your office building. Continue doing your exercise routines.

Light exercises such as a 30-minute walk helps in reducing weight. You do not have to go to a gym to lose weight. If you like to swim, run, or bike, do these every day. Aside from improving your physical fitness, you will also achieve weight loss. Every time you do any physical activity, you will burn your calories. In this way, fat build-up will be prevented.

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Daily Weight Loss Video Tips

A Pre-Weight Loss Guide - Knowing Your Calorie Intake

For people who labor to lose weight, knowing how much calorie should their body needs is substantial. Calorie matters in weight loss especially when it is carefully planned to favor a healthy body. To know how much calorie intake your body requires, a well-calculated calorie value is employed. But before delving deeper, allow yourself to pose the question "what really is a calorie?"

A calorie is an energy unit used for heat; however, in our times, it is solely employed to refer to a unit of food energy. Knowing how many calories your body burns serves as a good guide in knowing how many calorie intake you should allow. Generally, people are admonished that a restricted calorie diet will result to weight loss. Hence, dieters are confronted with problems of hunger and their failure to sustain it. This is even especially excruciating when dieters perform physical workout.

The Calorie intake calculator is a device to know the person's daily caloric intake. To use this device, a person may need to be honest in giving out information about the age, gender, weight (either in kilos or in pounds), the height (in feet or inches) and the exercise level. After filling out the information, the calculator will compute your daily caloric intake (by clicking on the calculate button) which shall serve as your guide to your diet and lifestyle.

Even the device that calculates the calorie has many types. The Nutrient Calculator breaks down calorie into carbohydrates, protein and fats. If you want to gain weight or build muscles, then you may need the help of a bulking calculator. Finally, the pregnancy calorie calculator computes for pregnant women who want to gain weight to have a healthy baby.

According to weight and nutrition analysts, a pound of fat is equivalent to 3500 calories. Therefore, if one person eats 500 calories less in a day, a weight loss of 1 pound of fat per week is possible.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Green Tea and Weight Loss

Green tea is very popular among consumers due to the varied health benefits associated with it. Traditionally green herbal tea has been used a medicinal beverage and it revitalizes the body and mind like no other form of tea. The liquid form of the product is obtained by steaming the leaves of Camellia sinensis thus allowing only partial oxidization. Thus a cup of green tea gives the body a lot more antioxidants than other forms of tea. In this article we discuss three main health benefits associated with a green herbal tea diet.

Weight loss

It is an weight loss aid. Regular consumption can result in slimming down of the body burning down the extra fats. Catechin in green tea induces higher metabolic activity thus burning more calories than what you would doing regular exercise. Moreover, if a person both exercises and consumes green herbal tea, it may be possible he/she would be the fittest in his/her locality!

Natural medicine

Medicinal properties of green herbal tea have only been recently discovered but it has been ages since the beverage was used as a traditional medicine. A green tea diet constitutes both therapeutic and curative features. Scientific researchers suggest that there is perhaps no other drink that vitalizes the body to the extent green tea does. It is even thought that consumption of greet tea destroys cancerous cells without doing any harm to the healthy tissues.

Increases immunity

Green herbal tea enables our body to fight diseases more effectively. It strengthens the immune system and also helps lower the blood pressure. Asthma patients may find it to be a great savior as it can help them breathe easier.

What we can conclude is that a green tea can be the most rejuvenating and healthy diet. Taking e the right amount will help your body fight the diseases and spare you from frequent doctor visits.

Fast Weight Loss - Know Exactly What is Happening in Your Body and Use it to Your Advantage

Fast? Did you just say you want to lose weight fast?

Before you undertake such a feat, you should know exactly what happens in your body and how you gained weight in the first place.

Lets compare your body to a factory. There are workers and like any factory there are different types of workers - some are very specialized and others do "regular stuff". In order to have a good work flow there should be enough workers to do the right kind of work. "Stuff" has to come in and get out as fast as possible.

This illustrates how your metabolism works and how you can speed up your weight loss.

It is a matter of a balanced metabolism. The word metabolism describes the chemical processes in your body. Or, to go back to our illustration, the different "workers" running around would be the enzymes (a special kind of protein) and "doing their job" would be the metabolism. You, as a "good manager of your body" (or "factory") should be concerned about having the right amount of workers and the having the right type of workers. They also should be doing their work.

All this can be influenced and consciously directed by you. This is not to say that your weight is totally your own fault. It often is due to bad eating habits, or eating the wrong kinds of foods, at the wrong times of the day. But, there is much more to this. Part of your problem might be in your body structure.

This is the secret to fast weight loss. As there are different ways to "run a factory", there are different paths to lose weight in a healthy way and to keep it for many years to come.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Acai Berry - What the Experts Recommend For Acai Berry Weight Loss!

Are you smitten by the entire aura around acai berry and wish to use it to your advantage? Are you looking for ways to effectively lose weight with acai berry? Here are some expert ways to achieve instant and effective weight loss results off the food:

1. Eat Right

A time trusted expert strategy to lose weight with acai berry is to eat right. The food has all the potential to induce weight loss instantaneously but is along with that you keep on junking it with unhealthy, fattening stuff, the good that the food does is going to stand negated and there would be little or no results.

2. Choose A Suitable Supplement

The expert definition of a suitable supplement is something that is genuine, contains pure acai berry, is least processed and most importantly isn't a fancy variant. A fancy variant is usually laden with needless calories which ironically mar the entire purpose of consuming acai berry and instead junk the system with fat and calories, making weight loss a mammoth task.

3. Do Not Compromise Upon Exercising

No expert would ever ask you to compromise upon regular exercising if you want effective weight loss results off acai. Exercising burns the excess fat and prevents its accumulation in the body and in turn prevents obesity.

4. Combine It With Colon Cleanse

Acai is a great way to prevent fat accumulation in the system and in turn prevent obesity. But what about the flab that is already present there in the body? Well, you need a colon cleanse for that. This therapy is an excellent way to undo the past damage in a jiffy and gives acai's weight loss potential an immediate boost. So an expert advice would always be in its favor.

Following these expert recommendations could really work wonders to your weight loss aspirations. Go for it then to actually feel the difference.

Weight Loss Exercise At Home

I know how it feels, you put a lot of effort into losing weight only to gain it back and then some. How frustrating is that? We get into a nice little weight loss comfort zone and the compliments start rolling in only to have it knocked right out from under us. Sometimes its so easy to get off track and into our bad habits again.

For me, losing weight the second time (or even the third time!) was the hardest for me. I had fresh wounds from the disappointment of gaining weight again coupled with my overindulgences in food that was getting very hard to break. I have a major sweet tooth!

My first piece of advice is to take a deep breath and put your situation in perspective. Most successful businesses fail at least a couple of times before they make a breakthrough. Many actors get knocked down many times before their big break. And many inventors come up with faulty inventions before their genius idea.

The truth is this: you have to keep trying if you want it bad enough. Think back to how it felt when you first lost weight and how rewarded and healthy you felt and write these thoughts down. Now think about how you currently feel and start to compare the two. Imagine where you want to be and how you will get there. You have to be exact with your plan and create a no-fail zone.

Pinpoint what got you off track, think back to the months leading to your weight gain and remember what triggered your regression. Did you get into a bad relationship? Did you have a life altering event happen? Did you start to sabotage yourself and your efforts? Did you stop weighing in and start thinking you will eat better tomorrow?

Whatever it was picture yourself in the future in the same place you were. Picture what you will do differently and have a plan. Start today. Go for a walk, find a program that you can live with, brush your teeth, go for a walk and get going.

The plan that helped me to finally get on track was The Day Off Diet, which I continue to follow and advocate for everyday. I have several clients who are successfully losing weight on this program right now and it just might be the plan you need to get back on track!